The Oakridge Location House League 6 Year Old Division is made up of co-ed teams for children born in 2019.
The Oakridge Location is Oakridge High School. Location may vary depending on field availability or other reason as dictated by the club.
The Southwest Location House League 6 Year Old Division is made up of co-ed teams for chlldren born in 2019 and 2020.
The Southwest Location is Southwest Optimist Park. Location may vary depending on field availability or other reason as dictated by the club.
The division gives most children additional exposure to team soccer. The games are played on mini-fields in a practice/game format. No scores or standings are kept for this division. Each session includes a 25 minute skills session follwed by a 30 minute game with a referee.
Game/practice day is Saturday. Sessions will run on a rotating basis starting at 9:00am and ending by 1:00pm.
You do not have the option to choose session times.
Convenor for the Southwest Location U5/U6 is SWOAK Soccer:
Convenor for the Oakridge Location U6 is SWOAK Soccer:
Registration for this division is available under the registration tab.
Registration costs for the seasonincludes a jersey, shorts, socks, shin pads, and a size 3 soccer ball. Players must provide thier own soccer shoes/sneakers.
Coaches will contact registered players in late April to early May.
Practices will begin May 10, 2025, and games will begin May 17, 2025. Our end of season tournament will be held on August 9, 2025.
Our end of season celebration will be held on August 9, 2025 at the BMO Centre.
Our U5/6 and U6 Programs are proudly sponsored by Tim Hortons!